Web Development

Laravel PHP Framework (Basic to Advance)

Rs:36000/6 Month

The leading PHP framework is Laravel. The feature of this framework is to make robust and reliable web applications based on its significant and well-tested features.Laravel uses salted and hashed passwords, which implies that the passwords will never be saved as text. It also employs the ‘Bcrypt Hashing algorithm’ to generate an encrypted version of the password. Laravel framework and architecture ensure that the security of applications is taken into consideration. Laravel also makes injection attacks on your database more difficult because it comes with SQL statements that are already constructed. The security features that Laravel provides are Encryption, Route Protection, Password Reminder & Reset, User Authentication, Password Storage, Manually Logging in users, and finally checking the Authentication drivers.

Rs:45000 Rs:36000/6

6,000 /Month

Web Development
Course Description

The leading PHP framework is Laravel. The feature of this framework is to make robust and reliable web applications based on its significant and well-tested features.Laravel uses salted and hashed passwords, which implies that the passwords will never be saved as text. It also employs the ‘Bcrypt Hashing algorithm’ to generate an encrypted version of the password. Laravel framework and architecture ensure that the security of applications is taken into consideration. Laravel also makes injection attacks on your database more difficult because it comes with SQL statements that are already constructed. The security features that Laravel provides are Encryption, Route Protection, Password Reminder & Reset, User Authentication, Password Storage, Manually Logging in users, and finally checking the Authentication drivers.


·         Meet your professor Noman Nafees

·         Introduction to laravel and MVC

·         Reference files

Windows - Local Environment Setup

·         New - Tools

·         New - Using MySQL

·         New- Installing Node.js

·         New - Installing Laravel

·         Installing a Specific Version of Laravel

MAC- Local Environment Setup

·         NEW - PHP Upgrade

·         New - Installing and Using MySQL on MAC OS X

·         New - Installing Node.js

·         New - Tools and Installing Laravel

·         New - Using Valet in your Laravel projects - OPTIONAL

·         Installing a Specific Version of Laravel

Laravel Fundamentals - Routes

·         New UPDATE - Serving our App

·         New UPDATE - Please Watch

·         New - Laravel Structure Overview

·         Route Introduction

·         Routes part 1

·         Routes part 2

·         Naming Routes

Laravel Fundamentals - Controllers

·         Intro to chapter

·         Creating Controllers

·         Laravel 8 - IMPORTANT UPDATE

·         Routing Controllers

·         Passing data

·         Resources and Controllers

Laravel Fundamentals - Views

·         Intro to chapter 

·         Creating views and custom method

·         Passing data to views

Laravel Fundamentals - Laravel Blade templating engine

·         Intro to chapter

·         Master layout setup

·         Some more blade features

Laravel Fundamentals - Database - Laravel Migrations

·         Intro to chapter 

·         Environment configurations

·         New - Windows OS - Migrations

·         New - MAC OS - Migrations

·         Creating migrations and dropping them

·         Adding columns to existing tables using migrations

·         Some more migration commands

Laravel Fundamentals - Raw SQL Queries

·         Section Intro 

·         Inserting data

·         Reading Data

·         Updating Data

·         Deleting Data

Laravel Fundamentals - Database - Eloquent / ORM

·         Section Intro

·         Reading Data

·         Reading / Finding with Constraints

·         More ways to retrieve data

·         Inserting / Saving Data

·         Updating with Eloquent

·         Deleting Data

·         Soft Deleting / Trashing

·         Retrieving deleted / trashed records

·         Restoring deleted / trashed records

·         Deleting a record permanently

Laravel Fundamentals - Database - Eloquent Relationships

·         Section intro

·         One to One relationship

·         The inverse relation

·         One to many relationship

·         Some random tips

·         Many to many relations part 1

·         Many to many relations part 2

·         Querying intermediate table

·         Has many through relation part 1

·         Has many through relation part 2

·         Polymorphic relation part 1

·         Polymorphic relation part 2

·         Polymorphic relation the inverse

·         Polymorphic relation many to many parts 1

·         Polymorphic relation many to many parts 2

·         Polymorphic relation many to many - retrieving

·         Polymorphic relation many to many - retrieving owner

Laravel Fundamentals - Database - Tinker

·         Section Intro

·         Creating data with tinker

·         Finding records and using constraints in tinker

·         Updating and deleting with tinker

·         Playing around with relations in tinker

Database - Eloquent One-to-One Relationship CRUD7

·         Section intro

·         New - Create a new laravel project with migrations

·         Database configuration and migration

·         Setting up Relations

·         Creating data for user

·         Updating Data

·         Reading and deleting data

Database - Eloquent One to Many Relationship CRUD7

·         New - Create a new Laravel Project

·         Database migrations

·         Relationships and mass assignment

·         Inserting Data

·         Reading Data

·         Updating Data

·         Deleting Data

Database - Eloquent Many to Many Relationship CRUD

·         New - Create a new Laravel Installation

·         Database migrations

·         Relationships and mass assignment

·         Inserting Data

·         Reading Data

·         Updating Data

·         Deleting Data

·         Attaching, detaching and syncing

Database - Eloquent Polymorphic Relationship CRUD

·         New - Create a Laravel installation with the Database setup

·         Relationships and mass assignment

·         Inserting Data

·         Reading Data

·         Updating Data

·         Deleting Data

·         Extra techniques

Database - Eloquent Polymorphic Many to Many Relationship CRUD

·         Creating a New Project with some Migrations - Classwork

·         Relationships and mass assignment

·         Inserting Data

·         Reading and updating data

·         Deleting Data

Forms and Validation

·         Section Intro

·         Setting up migration and relations

·         Setting up views and routes

·         4-Setting the markup for create

·         Setting up the controller and view

·         Persisting data to database

·         Reading data

·         Showing individual posts and updating

·         Preparing the edit view and setting up the token

·         10- Editing records and redirecting

·         11- Deleting

Forms - Package and validation

·         Section intro

·         Installing package and testing

·         Modifying our create form with the form package

·         Modifying our edit and delete forms with the form package

·         Basic validation

·         Displaying errors

·         Advance validation

·         Creating snippets with PhpStorm

Database - Some more model manipulation

·         Section Intro with Edwin Diaz

·         Dates

·         Accessors

·         Mutators

·         Query Scope

Forms - Uploading files

·         Section intro


·         Modifying our create view for file input

·         Retrieving file data

·         Persisting file data into the database

·         Displaying images and using accessors to make it easy

Forum - Login

·         Section intro

·         New laravel installation

·         Database connection and migrations

·         Creating the login system in under 1 minute

·         Login creation overview

·         Retrieving authenticated user data

Middleware - Security / Protection

·         Section intro

·         Create a new laravel installation (challenge)

·         Registering a new middleware and using it

·         A more practical way to use middleware 1 - roles, migration, and relations setup

·         A more practical way to use middlewares 2 - Custom method

·         A more practical way to use middlewares 3 - Custom method

·         A more practical way to use middlewares 4 - Custom method

Laravel Sessions

·         Section intro

·         Setting and reading sessions

·         Global session function deleting

·         Flashing data

Laravel - Sending Email / Api

·         Section intro

·         New laravel installation

·         Overview on mailgun

·         Email verification

·         Configuration

·         Sending email part 1 - route

·         Sending email part 2 - Finished

·         Custom domain

Git and Github - Version Control

·         Git intro

·         Git Installation

·         Git commands

·         Git crash lecture

·         Git workflow

·         Branches

·         Creating repositories on Github

·         Git settings

·         Cloning and pushing to Github

·         Pull requests and pulling changes

·         Contributing to the project

New - Laravel 7 - Front-End

·         New - Adding Bootstrap plus Login & Registration

·         How to add templates to Laravel projects

Laravel data seeding3

·         Creating a simple seeder

·         Creating a more advanced seeder with factories

·         Let's create factories for all our database tables

New - Laravel Components

·         Creating components part 1

·         Creating components part 2

·         Creating components part 3

New Application - Laravel

·         Setting p views part 1

·         Setting p views part 2

·         Admin View creation setup

·         Menu links and migration

·         Blog Post View

·         Posts migration

·         Creating dummy data with relationships - Users with Posts

·         Displaying posts on the home page

·         Displaying individual posts

·         Creating a post from admin - Part 1

·         Creating a post from admin - Part 2

·         Creating a post from admin - Part 3

·         Displaying a post from admin - Part 1

·         Displaying a post from admin - Part 2

·         Displaying a post from admin - Part 3

·         Displaying the owner of the post


·         Example of Mutators and Accessors with an image path

·         Flash messaging and deleting

·         Updating a post part 1

·         Updating a post part 2

·         Creating Authorization Policies part 1

·         Creating Authorization Policies part 2

·         Creating Authorization Policies part 3 and refactoring

·         Laravel pagination

New Application - Laravel 7 - Roles & Permissions - Migrations & Relationships

·         Creating migrations part 1

·         Creating migrations part 2

·         Setting up relationships

·         Using Tinker to insert Roles and Permissions

·         Using permission on the Dashboard example

New Application - Laravel 7 - Creating a User Profile

·         Creating a user Profile part 1

·         Creating a user Profile part 2

·         Adding a Username

·         Updating the profile

New Application - Laravel 7 - Admin Users9

·         Displaying all users part 1

·         Displaying all users part 2

·         Deleting users

·         Creating some roles again

·         Creating and using Middlewares for Route Authorization

·         A little Recap

·         Admin and Model Owner Same Access

·         Routes for large applications

·         Component nesting

New Application - Laravel 7 - User Profile Roles

·         Detecting roles for the user

·         Attaching roles part 1

·         Attaching roles part 2

New Application - Laravel 7 - Permissions & Roles - CRUD

·         CRUD - Create & Read - part 1

·         CRUD - Create & Read - part 2

·         CRUD - Create & Read - part 3 - validation

·         CRUD - Deleting

·         CRUD - Updating part 1

·         CRUD - Updating part 2

·         CRUD - Updating part 3

·         Displaying role permissions

·         Attaching and Detaching role permissions

·         Displaying and deleting permissions

·         Updating permissions

·         Protecting routes globally & locally

Extra feature - WYSIWYG and File Management installation

·         Part 1- Downloading packages and installing editor

·         Part 2- Making folders and uploading files

·         Displaying images

Extra feature - Bulk Media Delete

·         Part 1 - Creating form, method, and route

·         Part 2 - Testing our form and deleting

·         Part 3 - Adding Javascript / jQuery

·         Fixing bulk delete bugs and new improvements

·         Removing the extra delete button

Extra - Adjustments and more Features

·         Making admin more modular

·         Creating an admin controller

·         Installing a Chart on the admin

·         Replacing Chart static data with dynamic data

·         Some adjustments to the admin posts page

·         Installing a Blog Home Page

·         Making front-end more modular

·         Replacing static with dynamic data for the home page

·         Some adjustments to single post page

·         Making front-end top navigation better

·         Front-end Comment Flash messaging modification

·         Pagination in the front-end










6 Months

Skill level
