Web Development

PHP (Basic to Advance)

Rs:16200/3 Month

It is designed for experienced developers and those who have completed our PHP Essentials course. In particular, it covers all the latest Object-Oriented-Programming (OOP) and functional programming features introduced in PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, and PHP 5.5. This is our most advanced PHP programming offering.

Many PHP programming courses cover the basics or a specific concept. Our Advanced PHP Development course gives you the concepts, features, tools, and practical advice to use them together to build performant, secure, scalable, and reliable web applications.

Rs:18000 Rs:16200/3

5,400 /Month

Web Development
Course Description

It is designed for experienced developers and those who have completed our PHP Essentials course. In particular, it covers all the latest Object-Oriented-Programming (OOP) and functional programming features introduced in PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, and PHP 5.5. This is our most advanced PHP programming offering.

Many PHP programming courses cover the basics or a specific concept. Our Advanced PHP Development course gives you the concepts, features, tools, and practical advice to use them together to build performant, secure, scalable, and reliable web applications.



1.       Introduction To PHP

2.       Installing XAMPP & WAMP [Setting Up Environment]

3.       Create Your First PHP Page & Directory Structure

4.       Merging HTML & CSS with PHP

5.       HTTP Header() in PHP

6.       PHP Form Handling using GET & POST

7.       Variables in PHP Part 1

8.       Variables in PHP (Scope of variable) Part II

9.       HTTP Environment Variables

10.    Section 1 Assignment

11.    5 questions

12.    PHP Operators10 lectures 

13.    Operators in PHP Part 1

14.    Unary Operators

15.    Binary + Arithmetic Operators

16.    Ternary Operators

17.    Precedence Of Operators

18.    Relational Operators

19.    Logical Operators

20.    Bitwise Operators

21.    Assignment Operators

22.    Pre increments & Post increments

23.    Conditional Statements4 lectures 

24.    IF-ELSE Statements

25.    Switch Case

26.    Nested If-Else [LOGIN PAGE Example] with self page submission of data

27.    Nested Switch Case [A Calculator Example]

28.    Loops in PHP10 lectures 

29.    Introduction to loops in PHP

30.    FOR Loop [Syntax and Method of writing]

31.    Reverse For Loop

32.    Optional & Infinite For Loop

33.    Nested For Loop with Pattern generation

34.    While Loop

35.    While with If-Else

36.    Nested While Loop

37.    Do-While Loop

38.    Jump Statements

39.    Functions in PHP9 lectures 

40.    Introduction to Functions

41.    Mathematical Functions in PHP

42.    String Functions in PHP

43.    Date Functions in PHP

44.    Error Handling Functions in PHP

45.    User Defined Functions in PHP

46.    Nested User Define Functions in PHP

47.    Default Parameters in User Defined Functions

48.    Recursive Functions

49.    Arrays in PHP9 lectures 

50.    Introduction to arrays

51.    Array Initialization

52.    Associative Arrays

53.    Merging of Arrays

54.    Multidimensional Array

55.    Arrays with FOREACH loop

56.    Multidimensional Indexed Arrays

57.    Array Functions

58.    Sorting Arrays

59.    State Management in PHP5 lectures 

60.    Introduction to state management

61.    Cookies in PHP

62.    Deleting a Cookie

63.    Sessions in PHP

64.    Configuration File [php.ini]

65.    Validations in PHP8 lectures 

66.    What are Validations?






72.    Sanitization in PHP

73.    Securing forms in PHP

74.    File Uploads2 lectures 

75.    File Uploading in PHP

76.    Multiple File Uploading in PHP

77.    Object Oriented Programming with PHP7 lectures 

78.    Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with PHP

79.    Class in PHP

80.    Object in PHP

81.    Constructors

82.    Abstraction

83.    Encapsulation

84.    Inheritance and Access Specifiers

85.    MySQL [A Complete Guide]20 lectures 

86.    Introduction to phpmyadmin along with MySQL

87.    How to create database in MySQL

88.    How to create table in MySQL

89.    How to add column to an existing table in MySQL

90.    Modifying column in table

91.    Removing column in table

92.    Data Insertion in table using MySQL

93.    Data Modification in table using MySQL

94.    Data Deletion from table using MySQL

95.    Data Retrieval from table using MySQL

96.    Adding Users in MySQL

97.    Permissions in MySQL

98.    Order By and Group By clauses

99.    Auto Increments & Difference between Primary & Unique Keys

100.Relationships between tables, cardinality and foreign key

101.Prevention and Retention of Data using Relationships

102.Joins in MySQL [INNER, LEFT, RIGHT]

103.Sub Queries in MYySQL

104.Views in MySQL

105.Stored Procedures in MySQL

106.PHP and MySQL Together6 lectures 

107.Connecting PHP with MySQL

108.C.R.U.D Part 1

109.C.R.U.D Part 2

110.C.R.U.D Part 3

111.All in One C.R.U.D

112.PHP with AJAX

113.Email Sending1 lecture 

114.Sending Email Using Localhost


05:00PM - 06:00PM








3 Months

Skill level
